Folks you have to bear with me… I obsess about the Academy Awards almost as much as I talk about baseball… I’ll get back to breaking down teams in the build up for Spring Training soon enough… but let me get some of my Oscar needs out.
I am sure Peter Jackson thought he was going to get an Academy Award nomination this year when he made The Lovely Bones and had it released in time for the Oscar push.
Well The Lovely Bones may have had a disappointing show in the nominations, but Peter Jackson did indeed get a nomination.
He produced the wonderful Best Picture nominee District 9, directed by Neill Blomkamp.
And that got me thinking… how many times has a filmmaker who won the Oscar for Best Director later get nominated for producing a Best Picture nominee.
And why have an idle thought like that when you can actually try to figure it out.
I have found six other instances…

Won the Best Director Oscar for Reds.
Nominated for Best Picture for Bugsy, Directed by Barry Levinson.

Won the Best Director Oscar for Terms of Endearment.
Nominated for Best Picture for Jerry Maguire, Directed by Cameron Crowe.

Won the Best Director Oscar for The Graduate.
Nominated for Best Picture for Remains of the Day, Directed by James Ivory

Won the Best Director Oscar for The English Patient.
Nominated for Best Picture for The Reader, Directed by Stephen Daldry

Sydney Pollack
Won the Best Director Oscar for Out of Africa.
Nominated for Best Picture for Michael Clayton, Directed by Tony Gilroy
and The Reader, Directed by Stephen Daldry

Steven Spielberg
Won the Best Director Oscar for Schindler’s List
and Saving Private Ryan.
Nominated for Best Picture for Letters From Iwo Jima, Directed by Clint Eastwood
Now I hesitated about putting Francis Ford Coppola on the list and decided I would be a hard ass about it…Coppola produced the Best Picture nominee American Graffiti for George Lucas after he had made The Godfather.

Hey, I am a stickler for rules in my baseball lists. (Roberto Clemente is NOT in the Home Grown Pirates team because I stick to the rules.)
So why did I write this?
Well I am sure there must be a lunatic out there who wants to know this strange fact.

The English Patient. That was a great movie.