It isn’t often then you get a concrete confirmation of an opinion you might have… but I got one this weekend.
I had written that even though hitting for the cycle is about as rare as a pitcher throwing a no hitter… the no hitters are infinitely more memorable.
This weekend Jody Gerut hit for the cycle… and his achievement was noted but hardly treated as front page news.
Dallas Braden throws a no hitter and it is the headline of MLB.com (which with the Red Sox and Yankees playing, an Oakland pitcher being the top news is tremendous.)
Granted it was a perfect game, but that is beside the point.
The no hitter is just more memorable.
I’ll always associate Dallas Braden with his perfect game.
I can already feel myself forgetting Jody Gerut hitting for the cycle.
It may not be fair… but reality sometimes isn’t fair.

Let's not forget both as far their ties to the Bay Area... Jody Gerut was out of Stanford afterall.