A thrilling game was played today with post season implications in Minnesota.
The Rangers and the Twins are both fighting for home field advantage in the Division Series (which might be huge in trying to upset either the Yankees or the Rays in the first round.)
The Twins were going for the sweep... the Rangers were rallying in the 9th.
It is everything that you want in a meaningful September Labor Day weekend baseball game.
So what are people going to talk about?
The fact that Michael Young's hand briefly touched third base coach Dave Anderson's hand as he rounded third as the potential tying run.
Interference. Third Out. End of Game.
I mean I know that technically the brushing of hands isn't allowed, but shouldn't there be the equivalent of the swallowing of a whistle at this point in a game? In a big game in the 9th inning with 2 outs... shouldn't the ump come over to Anderson after the play and say "Watch out. You touched him as he rounded the bases. Next time I'll call that"?
Did the brushing of hands REALLY help Michael Young or affect the play in any way shape or form. It's not like he was Forrest Gump picking up Bubba and Lt. Dan from the Vietnam gunfire. Their hands brushed in a wild and nutty 9th inning.
Seriously, Alfonso Marquez, was it REALLY necessary to END a game like this... the last meeting of these two in the regular season, on a ticky tack call?
Now I know I am going to get people writing in saying "A rule is a rule and it needs to be enforced at all times."
I remember when I got on Bob Davidson for ejecting John Lackey in 2009 for what I thought was a ticky tack and garbled reason, I got people writing saying that rules need to be enforced no matter what the situation is.
Seriously... why?
In other sports you see the refs let the players play the game. You try not to have games decided on a cheap hand check or a cheap penalty to cause an overtime powerplay.
If Texas finish a game behind the Twins at the end of their regular season, I am sure it will be a great comfort to Rangers fans to know they are starting the playoffs on the road because Michael Young's hand briefly touched Dave Anderson's.

The whole thing made me sick!!!