Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So I take it Pedroia is OK

I am such a pessimist when it comes to injuries.

Whenever I see someone carried off the field, I automatically think "Oh no... their career might be over."

I know that was what I thought about Dustin Pedroia, especially after all the time he missed LAST year.

Well, I guess I was off. Instead of missing the rest of his career, he missed one game and homered in his first at bat back.

I guess people should be glad I am not in the medical field.

Either way, anytime my team can go into the home of the team with the best record in the league and take 2 of 3 (especially after losing the first one in teeth grinding fashion) I am fine with it.

And living in California made it especially sweet. With the Red Sox first inning explosion, I saw my team were up 7-0 before it was 9:15 AM. Not a bad cup of joe.

The Sox are 1 game back in the loss column from the Yankees.
Let's hope they can get into first by June.

And let's not have any more career threatening injuries.
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