So far so awful for the 2012 Red Sox.
They wasted a great Lester performance.
They wasted a 9th inning game saving rally.
Josh Beckett looked horrific today (so much for the thumb not causing any problems.)
AND they have been shut out for 17 out of 18 innings.
Is there ANYTHING for a Red Sox fan to feel good about?
The Yankees are in the same boat.
They coughed up a walk off loss and were beaten like a drum the next day too.
OK, so the Yankees rallied and made it interesting. They still lost. The Sox and Yankees are both 0-2.
So for at least 2 games, we can talk comfort in knowing that Yankee fans aren't happy either.
There is something soothing about knowing you aren't alone in futility.
And hey!
If your team is going to lose, lose 10-0.
Nothing frustrating about a 10-0 loss.
You can't say it was a good pitching performance wasted. You can't grumble about the tying run at the plate in the 9th.
It was a sound ass whuppin'.
It won't be the last this year.
Let's hope the Yankees keep pace!

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