I am a greedy man... and I wanted several different scenarios to unfold in order to make last night perfect, baseball wise.
And hot damn, it came this close to unfolding perfectly.
Let's list what would have made the night perfect.
I wanted:
A RED SOX WIN...reducing their magic number
CHECK! Many comes back and contributes to two rallies, Schilling pitches well, Papelbon bails out Gagne and Ortiz homers.
A YANKEES LOSS...reducing the Red Sox magic number some more
CHECK! 5-0 lead blown and somehow the Devil Rays are 8-8 against the Yankees.
A TIGERS WIN... prolonging the Yankees clinching for at least another day
CHECK! The Tigers shut down the Twins with the faintest hopes still alive.
AN ANGELS LOSS... Giving the Red Sox a better shot at homefield throughout the playoffs
CHECK! Thank You Texas
Meanwhile in the National League I wanted:
A BREWERS WIN... as I've been openly cheering them on to stay in the race
CHECK! The Cardinals continue to phone in the end of the season.
A CUBS LOSS... to cut their lead over the Brewers to 2 games
CHECK! Dontrelle Willis shuts them down and a parade of anonymous relievers close it out.
A PHILLIES LOSS... to help tighten up the Wild Card race and bring about anarchy
CHECK! And somehow the Braves are back in it!
A METS LOSS... to make sure the division is still in play for the weekend
CHECK! Why can't the Mets beat the Nationals?
A ROCKIES LOSS... to pull them even closer to the Wild Card
CHECK! Way to keep the Dodgers motivated, Grady.
At this point it looked like it was going to be the type of night I'd ask a genie for! Now there were only two more games left... could they come through for me?
AN INDIAN LOSS... to help the Red Sox get closer to homefield throughout the playoffsOOOO, so close! Adrian Beltre hit a game tying homer in the 9th for Seattle and they loaded the bases in the 11th, but couldn't score and the Indians won in the 12th.
A PADRES LOSS... to make it a 3 way tie for first for the Wild Card with the Braves only 2 back with 5 days left in the season
ONE OUT FROM HAPPENING! But Brian Wilson (might as well have been the Beach Boy) let up a 3 run 2 out homer to give the Padres the 6-4 win and maintain a 1 game lead on the Wild Card.
All things considered... the Sox could potentially clinch the division before Friday and have home field, the Yankees need one more day to clinch, and the National League is still a complete scrum going into the last Wednesday of the season.
Not bad. I still want ANARCHY!
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