With the Veterans Committee Hall of Fame ballots coming up next week, we here at Sully Baseball officially endorse the Hall of Fame Candidacy of Dick Allen.
We think his Rookie of the Year award, his MVP, his home runs and high average all speak for themselves.
But most importantly, we want the first Hall of Fame plaque with a cigarette hanging from the player's lip.
(This will also be a factor in Dave Parker's bid.)
The writers hated him, so he doesn't have much of a chance. But if the guys he played against could vote, he'd definitely be a Hall of Famer. Goose Gossage said he was the greatest player he ever played with. They were teammates on the 72-74 White Sox. If the Red Sox writers got Jim Rice in, I hope the Philly/Chicago connection of players and writers can do the same for Allen. From numerous recent interviews he has shown he is remorseful and fully deserving. And nobody can question the talent.