Sunday, October 26, 2008

Did the 2006 World Series even happen?

I was talking at work with a guy who is a big St. Louis Cardinals fan.

We were talking about the current playoffs, players from his team and why I was disappointed but not devastated by the Red Sox losing to Tampa Bay.

He shrugged his shoulders and said "Well, you won last year... I'm still waiting since 1982."

I looked at him, cocked my head like the RCA Dog and reminded him that his team won the World Series in 2006.

He slapped his forehead and said "Oh man! I forgot!"
I guess that answers my question about how beloved Tony LaRussa is compared to Whitey Herzog!

When I accused the Cardinals and their fans for being subdued in their celebration when they won in 2006, I never imagined that in two years it would SLIP THEIR MINDS!!!

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