I know sound a little hypocritical here, especially after I wrote about how I am rooting for the Phillies in this series... but in a series where I have tenuous loyalties at best, I want to see a 7 game series!
After yesterday's 11-0 embarrassment, the last realistic hope for a 7 game series might go right down the cesspool.
(The Angels aren't taking the Yankees to a Game 7 and the Yankees should take care of either National League team without much stress.)
So a Phillies/Dodgers showdown was an impartial observer's best hope for winner take all showdown.
And now it could be a 5 and out slaying. (And with the possibility that BOTH LCS could be over in a few days!)

So let's go... I didn't root for you initially but I want 7 games!
And it's my blog! I can make requests like that. If it were the Red Sox, I would want a sweep and then laugh at the other team. But not Dodgers/Phillies.
LET'S GO DODGERS (for at least the next few days.)
Too bad for the Dodgers, but Go Phillies!!!