Not just win a game... but diffuse tension.
Grady Sizemore gets a maddeningly weak pop fly turn into a double leading to the Indians loading the bases with no outs?
No problem... a double play and a quick out and the inning is over.
Julio Lugo gets in the way of a routine ball to Pedroia? No worries... inning over with no runs.
The greatest was the so called bench clearing incident with Lofton.
Lofton tries to pull a Willie Mays Hayes with the bat on ball four, but it's called a strike.
Next pitch is a lazy pop up to Manny... Beckett yells something at Lofton, who drops F bombs all the way to first before running to the mound.
I have ESPN News on now and they are showing the clip of Lofton running up
to Beckett and the completely interchangeable talking head said "Lofton
and Beckett go at it."
No they weren't.
Lofton was jawing and had a bunch of umps, Indians and even Mike Lowell
holding him back.
Beckett was just standing there, not caring, with an expression of "are
you done yet?" Watch it as an ump comes up to Beckett expecting him to
rush to Lofton and Beckett gives it a little shrug as if to say "Don't
worry. I don't give a shit about him."
Later when Lofton's dribbler want under his glove... no worries. He got out unscathed.
They even wheeled out his ex girlfriend to sing "God Bless America"... whatever. Josh has moved on!
There's something about an ace that is such a bad ass. Clemens, Pedro and Schilling had that quality in their prime.
Now we have to find out what he yelled to Lofton!
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